Improper storage can make your coffee taste stale and moldy. Our beans are best stored in clear glass containers, in a cool and dry place. We recommend glass to prevent chemical off-gassing common in plastic containers.Also, don’t store whole bean coffee in your freezer as this can cause the beans to solidify and affect the flavor.

  • 2.WATER

    Water quality can greatly affect the taste and purity of your coffee.  Premium coffee shops filter their water, so fluoride, chlorine, and micro-sediment is not in the coffee.  Getting an in-home water purification system is a great investment for not only great tasting coffee but your overall health as well. Here is the water purification system our founder uses in his home.


    The National Coffee Association recommends brewing coffee at between 195- and 205-degrees Fahrenheit. Temperatures below that range do a poor job extracting beneficial compounds from the grounds. Temperatures above this range breaks down some of the beneficial and flavorful compounds in coffee. To get your water at the perfect temperature for brewing, bring it to a boil, then let it sit for 30 seconds to one minute. This should bring it from boiling into an acceptable temperature range.

Brewing Guide

Making the perfect cup


There are two common type coffee grinders: blade and burr. We recommend a cone-shape burr grinder because they don’t generate heat. Heat can start extracting oils from the beans before water is added, which isn’t ideal.
Grind your beans right before brewing. This preserves the best properties of the coffee bean. The type of grind you need is based on your brewing method. In general, longer brewing times require coarser grinds while shorter brewing times need a finer grind.


Changing the size of the grind can impact taste. Experiment to find your ideal grind.
The recommended water to coffee ratio is 16:1. However, modify this ratio if your coffee tastes too strong or too weak.
Also, The National Coffee Association recommends brewing coffee between 195 and 205-degrees Fahrenheit.


The heat generated by coffee makers can cause the plastic in them to leach into your coffee. When you drink coffee made with a plastic coffee maker, the chemicals from the plastic enter your body and cause you harm. BPA is a chemical used to harden plastics and is used in most plastic coffee makers. Heat accelerates BPA leaching into your coffee.
Since coffee is a daily habit for most of us, we recommend you keep it as clean as possible. That means use a glass or metal coffee maker. Here’s a list of non-plastic coffee makers for you to consider.
Finally, we recommend a thorough cleaning of your coffee maker every two weeks. Impurities and oily residues may build up over time to make your brew taste bad. Bacteria and mold can also develop in the water reservoir and piping system and this can make you sick. Be sure to use a non-toxic cleaner and water.