By Dr. Jack Wolfson
Feb 11, 2021

I wake up every morning and drink coffee. Always have and always will. I like my coffee black with nothing added. That is how my father drank it and so do I.

But many people like to add “things” to their coffee. I have no problem with that, as long as they are healthy. Read our blog for 5 Things You Should NEVER Add To Your Coffee.

So, how can we boost our love of coffee into a more healthful morning ritual that also increases wellness? Here are my top 7 healthy coffee additives that will have you rethink your basic black cup.

  1. MCT Oil - Medium-chain triglyceride oil sourced from organic coconuts is a popular additive to coffee drinks. Research finds that quality MCT oils have a positive effect on fat-burning, promotes greater energy expenditure and weight reduction. I suggest this brand of MCT that is organic and comes in amber glass to protect the quality of the oil.
  2. Collagen Peptides - Studies show by the time a person is 80 years old collagen production has slowed by 75% as compared to younger folks. Many signs of aging include loss of elasticity of the skin, stiff joints and muscle loss. Other signs of collagen deficiency may include excessive skin wrinkles, blood pressure problems, achy muscles, cellulite, dental problems, thinning hair and brittle nails. Collagen can help these issues. Try this brand of ethically sourced collagen peptides.
  3. Grass Fed Butter - The butter coffee phase has been around for a while, and for good reason. Quality butter makes everything, including coffee, taste better! Grass fed butter is a good source of vitamin A and beta carotene. It also provides vitamin K2, which plays a critical role in both bone and heart health. Try this butter powder as another option or grass-fed ghee found here.
  4. Ginger - Although more common in tea, adding a pinch of fresh grated ginger to coffee takes this drink’s refreshment to a new level. A study published in January 2020 found that ginger reduces inflammation, stimulates metabolism and improves digestive function.
  5. Vanilla - If you prefer a sweet flavor to your coffee, but don’t want the negatives of adding sugar, consider a few drops of high quality pure vanilla extract. Vanilla has been shown to boost mood and lower depression without the side effects of harmful chemicals. Mix vanilla with coconut milk or other plant-based milk to make your own healthful creamer.
  6. Lemon - If you’re looking to jazz up your regular coffee flavor, lemons have long been used to add flavor variety to both hot and cold beverages. Lemons are rich in vitamin C and polyphenols which have evidenced multiple health benefits such as lowering lipid levels and alleviating fatigue.
  7. Spices - Aromatic spices such as cinnamon, turmeric, cardamom and cayenne pepper have been used in many cultures for centuries to add flavor and promote health. While cinnamon has anti-inflammatory compounds that may help people curb their sugar cravings, research has found that the potent cardamom contains ingredients which may prevent cancer growth and activate the body’s natural killer cells. Don’t be afraid to add the more spicy cayenne pepper into the mix, as this herb has been found to boost vascular and metabolic health.

Aside from its highly sought out flavor, coffee has numerous health benefits. The additions above add even more potential goodness. When choosing a coffee, make sure you are purchasing a brand that is organic, mold-free, consciously sourced and processed properly. Cardiology Coffee fits that definition.

Don’t forget to use pure water that removes toxic chemicals that can ruin your quality brew’s flavor. We love the Pristine Hydro water filtration system.

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