By Dr. Jack Wolfson
Feb 11, 2021

So you love coffee, but can’t handle the caffeine. That is why decaf was invented.

And the good news is, decaf has many of the same health benefits as the “leaded” version.

But the decaffeination process can be dangerous to your health. Let’s discuss 3 ways to get decaf coffee and why we chose #3 for our Cardiology Coffee decaf version.

  1. Chemical Extraction
    This includes extraction of the caffeine by a chemical solvent, most commonly methylene chloride or ethyl acetate. These solvents remove the caffeine via either a direct or indirect application method. Inhaling even small amounts of these solvents have been linked to many health symptoms. Studies found that around 200 parts per million (ppm) in the air can temporarily slow down the central nervous system and affect a person’s attention and hand-eye coordination. Why would we want to ingest coffee made this way?
  2. CO2 Processing
    As a decaffeination tool, pressurized CO2 is used to create an extraction method. This process does not use chemical solvents, however, the CO2 applied is a byproduct of industrial manufacturing. This method is not used by the single-origin, organic, mold-free beans that we recommend you brewing.
  3. Swiss Water Method
    This method of decaffeination is a natural, chemical-free method that removes caffeine using only pure water. Not only does this method deliver an aromatic brew that's 99.9% caffeine-free, it also is free of toxins and chemicals yet retains the antioxidants and properties that make coffee a great addition to your wellness lifestyle!

The Swiss Water Method is the only method we recommend and is what is solely relied on to produce the decaffeinated coffee here at Cardiology Coffee.

Welcome to your new favorite decaf brew - Decaffeinated Cardiology Coffee!

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