Is Coffee Bad for Atrial Fibrillation?
Cardiologist Dr. Jack Wolfson explains the impacts of drinking coffee to those with AFib.
Cold Brew Iced Keto Beverage
Enjoy this cold drink on a warm day. This beverage is high in protein and good fats and with the addition of collagen, is great for the skin! I love the chia seeds as they are nutrient dense, loaded with antioxidants...
Blends vs. Single Origin Coffee: What is the Difference?
Just like with premium olive oil, coffee is best when it is single origin. This simply means that the oil or in this case, the coffee is from one particular region or country rather than several different ones. Single origin...
A New Morning Ritual: Grind Your Coffee Daily for Optimal Health
A delicious cup of joe is unbeatable in the morning. This warm and soothing, yet energy-boosting liquid gold, is something so many of us partake of daily, but are you sabotaging the quality by grinding your beans too soon? Do...
New Study Says Coffee Leads to Dementia
Researchers pulled from a database of 400,000 and looked at 17000 MRI scans. They concluded that high coffee intake of more than 6 cups per day led to a 53% higher dementia risk compared to 1-2 cups per day. No...
Can Cardiology Coffee Protect Your Liver? Fabulous News!
Fabulous news! Drinking coffee, among other healthy lifestyle choices, helps to prevent poor health and therefore NAFLD. Coffee protects the liver and decreases liver enzymes. Remember, it is only healthy if it is organic and mold and pesticide free like...
Breaking news: Coffee consumption decreases instances of COVID
A recent study published out of Northwestern University found that those who consumed >1 cup of coffee per day had a lesser chance of contracting COVID-19. The study found those who had over 1 cup of coffee per day to have...
6 Savory Coffee Recipes that Sizzle this Summer
If you've considered cooking or grilling with coffee, here's your chance to take the leap. Think of it as expanding your culinary horizons, similar to incorporating different types of spirits or exotic spices into your cooking. This summer, let coffee...
Coffee Pancakes! Does it Get Any Better?
Who doesn’t love a good pancake? Add coffee and you can take this favorite to a whole new level!  Enjoy this delicious and easy to follow recipe from functional nutritional therapy practitioner Ali Richmond.
Drink Your Decaf Coffee and Reap the Health Benefits Too!
Do you love the taste of coffee but have trouble with the caffeine?  Perhaps you have been advised not to drink caffeine due to its impact on your sleep, a heart condition such as atrial fibrillation, pregnancy or other conditions. ...
Upgrade Your Favorite Coffee Drinks- 7 Paleo Coffee Hacks
One of the most common questions my nutritional clients ask me is whether or not coffee is allowable on the eating plan I recommend for best health, the paleo diet. My answer on coffee consumption has surprised many people who assume...
10 Reasons You Can Drink Coffee Every Day
Coffee is one of those beverages enjoyed by many and not easily relinquished by most. I, for one, do not enjoy asking anyone to give up their morning coffee, fortunately it isn't something I have to do often.  There are...
Why I Cherish My Morning Coffee Routine - Easy Tips to Try
My morning coffee is really much more than a beverage I sip to start my day. This is my life giving morning ritual. Here are some reasons for you to consider adding a coffee drinking practice into your own life.