Coffee Pancakes! Does it Get Any Better? Ali Richmond Who doesn’t love a good pancake? Add coffee and you can take this favorite to a whole new level! Enjoy this delicious and easy to follow recipe from functional nutritional...
Drink Your Decaf Coffee and Reap the Health Benefits Too! Ali Richmond Do you love the taste of coffee but have trouble with the caffeine? Perhaps you have been advised not to drink caffeine due to its impact on your sleep, a...
Upgrade Your Favorite Coffee Drinks- 7 Paleo Coffee Hacks Lori Satterwhite One of the most common questions my nutritional clients ask me is whether or not coffee is allowable on the eating plan I recommend for best health, the paleo diet. My...
10 Reasons You Can Drink Coffee Every Day Ali Richmond Coffee is one of those beverages enjoyed by many and not easily relinquished by most. I, for one, do not enjoy asking anyone to give up their morning coffee, fortunately...
Why I Cherish My Morning Coffee Routine - Easy Tips to Try Lori Satterwhite My morning coffee is really much more than a beverage I sip to start my day. This is my life giving morning ritual. Here are some reasons for you to...
Struggling With Adrenal Fatigue? Don’t Quit Your Coffee Habit! Ali Richmond, FNTP Many people move from one cup of coffee to the next to keep their energy up. This begs the question: Does coffee negatively affect your adrenal glands and contribute to...
The Shocking Truth: What's Hiding in Non-dairy Creamer Lori Satterwhite Many people do not understand that a plethora of harmful chemicals and additives are hiding inside dairy alternatives. Here are some of the top culprits to look out for if...
Best Coffee Filters: Keep What’s Good and Let Go of the Rest Lori Satterwhite What’s the big deal about coffee filters; isn’t one filter just as good as another? The truth is, for most people, their coffee filters may be one of the things...
How to Fully Experience Coffee LIke a Barista Lori Satterwhite Specific aroma and flavor profiles are described by baristas to differentiate among different types of coffees and roasts. Aroma and taste are the main factors by which we determine our...
The Drink of Choice for Athletes Ali Richmond, FNTP Caffeine has long been known to boost athletic performance; it is a go to substance for athletes. The World Anti Doping Agency (WADA) banned athletes from using caffeine to enhance...
Drink More Coffee: Slash Risks of Heart Disease Lori Satterwhite Like many of you, I love my morning cups of coffee. Like many, I have wondered over the years what this habit is doing to my body. I have been...
Should Your Coffee Have a Skull and Crossbones? Ali Richmond, FNTP With increased exposure to chemicals in our world, we have a relative increase in chronic disease. It is important to know where these toxic substances are infiltrating our lives and...